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Spotlight on SafetySummer 2000 issue Glutaraldehydemeter
  Spotlight on Safety Glutaraldehydemeter
Getting Ahead of Glutaraldehyde


By the time you know there's too much of it in the work area, it could be too late.

Glutaraldehyde, colorless noxious chemical common in solutions used to disinfect medical and other instruments, can quickly permeate work areas. But MSA's handheld Glutaraldemeter lets users know almost instantly whether airborne amounts are above ceiling limits.

The battery-powered health care instrument makes it easy to conduct routine air sample monitoring or emergency testing during spill cleanup. Just turn it on, hit the sample button, and within 30 to 60 seconds, you'll know if you are being exposed to unsafe levels.

The Glutaraldemeter detects concentrations as low a 0.03 parts Glutaraldehyde per million parts of air (ppm)—well below the 0.2-ppm limit set by OSHA.

The Glutaraldemeter holds 10 tests in its memory for simple comparison readings. The relatively inexpensive device's sensor is guaranteed for two years but typically, it can last for four years.

To order the Glutaraldemeter or learn more about it and other health care products from MSA, call MSA's Medical Products group at 1-800-851-4500.

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