Our Values

Corporate Values

A series of standards that provide the identity by which a company is known, and define what is truly important to a company and its people. Executed successfully, they create dynamic, high-performing organizations.

At MSA, we are no stranger to values. They have been at the core of every MSA success story since our founding in 1914. Over these many years, our organization has changed-in size, geographic reach, product offerings and market focus-but what has remained constant has been our commitment to protecting the health and safety of our customers, and doing so in a manner that makes us proud to call ourselves MSA associates. We are, quite simply, an organization built on integrity.

MSA's values do not change from time to time, nor are they situation-dependent or adapted to suit individual personalities. Rather, they are the foundation of our company culture. The pages that follow highlight the actions and behaviors we strive to achieve every day, and as such, outline MSA's seven core values.